Youth Challenge America Launches

Welcome to the recruitment season! Job fairs, career expos, information sessions. . .YCI has been working hard to get our name out to you. It’s been a busy Fall with recruitment for the first time ever in the States! I have been attending fairs and information sessions in New York State to talk about our overseas programming and the new opportunities available for American volunteers to get involved.

There has been a strong interest in YCI’s programs by potential American volunteers, particularly for our Americas programs. It’s been great for me to get the opportunity to talk to so many interesting individuals about youth development, international development and our overseas projects.

Yesterday, I went to Vassar College, a gorgeous small Liberal Arts College on the Hudson River in a little town called Poughkeepsie. The leaves are turning, the air is fresh and crisp and there was a football game going on in town. It was a beautiful vision!

YCI Jane

Next week, I’ll be at NYU talking on a Seminar Panel about Civic Engagement at the Graduate School for Arts at Science and then to DC for the “Higher Education and International Volunteer Service Conference,” hosted by Partners of the Americas.

It’s been busy season and it’s been wonderful talking to you all! Potential volunteers, preparing volunteers or alumni, please continue to come chat with us, wherever we are. If you can’t make it in person, send us an email at I speak for all of the YCI staff when I say that we love talking with you about our programs!

I hope to see you at our next outreach session.



Jane Baldwin, Program Development Manager

6 thoughts on “Youth Challenge America Launches

  1. I want to apply like scholarship through this program because I want to do my masters in Adrews University how can I get it

  2. Hi Rayne,

    This is Jane from Youth Challenge America. You can sign up for our projects at:

    If you are interested in a scholarship project (Costa Rica and Guatemala are leaving on July 12th, which is in only a week) please indicate this in your online application.

    Our 8-week pilot project in Uganda this September might also be a great fit as a part of a master’s application. Three volunteers will be selected to start up our programming in Kampala. Read more about this wonderful opportunity at Please note, however, that it is not a scholarship project.

  3. Pingback: Highlights from the 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service. « Youth Challenge International

  4. Pingback: From the Archives: Toronto Pre-Departure « Youth Challenge International

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